Date Archives June 2011

How the Kindle, Uh, Rekindled My Love for Reading

When I was a kid, I was obsessed with reading. You know, up until 4am reading under the covers until my eyes hurt. You couldn’t stop me from reading

But as I got older, something changed.

Maybe the forced reading we had to do at school took the joy out of it. Or maybe girls and a social life started getting in the way. Whatever the reason was, all I know is that reading slowly became something “I used to do” but now never had time for.

Well, not anymore. I’m back to devouring books at an insatiable rate. I’ve cut down on mindless internet time to make more room for meaningful reading time. I’m officially, 100%, head over heels in love with reading again.

And I owe it all to a little thing called the Kindle.

Now how the hell did a frickin e-reader rekindle my love for reading? Good question. Especially since I used to be like a lot of you out there, moaning about how “the feel of paper can never be replaced”.

But the truth is, ever since I got my Kindle a year ago, my reading life has completely changed. And it’s stayed that way. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure out how the Kindle pulled this off, and here’s what I’ve boiled it down to:

1) Less Wasted Time and More Reading Time

You know all that wasted time you have in a day? Standing in long lines. Waiting for a friend to show up. The breaks in-between your Pomodoro’s.

Now I turn all that wasted time into productive reading time. Since the Kindle is so small and compact, I almost always have it with me for all those wasted moments.

And get this – if I don’t feel like carrying the Kindle around, I still always have my book with me because of the Kindle iPhone app. The bookmark even automatically syncs so I can immediately pick up where I left off. Now I NEVER have an excuse not to be reading.

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Mission: New York City

Guess where I’m at now? Yup, NYC. The concrete jungle where dreams are made of. Or at least according to Alicia Keys.

I’ve been here for a week now and I’m already in love with the place. Got a sublet in the beautiful East Village and will be calling this city my home for the next 2 months (until I head back to the west coast to prepare for Burning Man!).

So what’s my travel purpose while in New York? It’s going to be one thing and one thing only: music.

For the 2 months I’m here, I want to live, breathe, and eat music. I want to go to as many shows and events as possible. I want to make friends with musicians and other music lovers. I want to create more shitty music and hopefully get less shitty at it.

And I think this is the perfect city to do all that in.

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