Date Archives February 2013

Advice to High Schoolers: Stop Trying to “Figure Out” Your Life!

So the other day I got this e-mail from a high-schooler asking for my advice.  I thought my response might be helpful to other people (more specifically: my 18 year old self), so I’ll post it up here:

Hi Jaemin! My name is Angela and I think I’m going through a mid-life crisis with all these college apps that I’m filling out. Currently, I can’t decide whether or not I should pursue film, the environment, or writing…

My response (unedited, so s’cuse me if it ain’t pretty!):

I’ll just say right off the bat, I think one of the biggest myths about life is that we have to “figure out” or “come to a decision” on what we want to do.  That’s such bullshit lol.

Being a filmmaker or a writer or an artist isn’t something we think about and then DECIDE we want to be.  Instead, you should just keep exploring and spending time doing the things you love to do.  In your free time, if you feel like it, keep writing.  Or make little film projects with friends.

Whatever it is you do, make sure you’re not doing for an END GOAL but just doing it because you love to do it.  And I promise you, if you follow your heart and keep doing what you love, then a path will come from it.  

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