Date Archives June 2020

Purpose Isn’t a Static Sentence

Your purpose isn’t some static sentence that comes to you one day while journaling.

Your purpose is a living, breathing process.

It’s the process of you continuously moving away from that which drains and diminishes you, and towards that which enlivens you. Nourishes you. Expands you.

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The 5 Word Experiment That Ignited My Heart

For the past 2 months, I started an experiment.

Throughout the day, I started saying “thank you” to every emotion that came up. After a few weeks, I added, “I love you.”

So if annoyance came up, or joy, or shame – ”thank you, I love you.”

Then I found myself saying, “thank you, I love you” not just to every emotion, but to every single situation that I encountered.

When I shut off my alarm, answered emails, talked to a friend – ”thank you, I love you.”

The practice felt sleight at first. I didn’t expect much from it.

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