It’s Never About the External

Following your energy/aliveness/truth doesn’t LOOK any particular way.

It doesn’t look like extravagant trips to Bali. Or jumping out of planes. Or selling all your possessions to live in a cabin.

It CAN look like those things. But it can also look like: moving back home with your parents. Choosing a funny looking jar of salsa at the grocery store. Watching TV. Getting your eyebrows done.

Following your energy is never about what it looks like on the surface.

It’s entirely about the orientation behind it. WHERE it’s coming from.

You could be doing what looks like the most exciting, adventurous, bougie looking shit – but if it’s coming from your conditioning/programming, it’s just more deadness. 🥱

Or you could be doing the most mundane, pedestrian, boring looking things – but if it’s ACTUALLY what’s true for you – it will break you open to a new level of freedom, destroy your attachments/identities, and unlock a quality of life that you can’t even imagine. 🤯

It’s never about how it looks in the external.

And the more you focus on the external, and use that as a measuring stick of whether you’re living your best life – the more you’ll miss the nuanced internal movements that will ACTUALLY get you there.

Your Truth doesn’t give a damn about adhering to any templates, expectations, social norms, or preconceived notions of what your life is supposed to look like (yes, that includes your #bigdreams).

(In fact, if you’re truly following it, it’ll eventually shatter your attachments to EVERY single one of those.)

All it knows is what’s true for you.

And then the only question that remains is: are you willing to follow it? Regardless of how it looks on the external? Of how it looks to your family, friends, Instagram feed, and even yourself?

Or will you stay stuck on the external, forever skimming the surface of life, but never breaking free into the staggering depths of who you truly are and what you’re actually capable of?